Making healthy FOOD accessible
We are accepting donations again this year to help provide fresh produce to low-income families.
We work with the Mother to Mother organization of Beatrice and the Beatrice Community Food Pantry to distribute our fresh, local produce to families in need in our community.
Last year we were able to provide 11 CSA share subscriptions to families in Beatrice, and we’d like your help to be able to “share a share” with people in our community again this year.
Your donation of $25 provides a box of veggies for one week.
A $100 donation provides a month of fresh produce.
A donation of $475 provides an entire season of produce boxes.
You can also mail a check for any amount to:
West End Farm
57975 721st Rd
Plymouth, NE 68424
Or, stop by our tent at the Beatrice Farmers Market to drop off a cash donation or make an in-person donation with a credit card.
Thank you!
Your donation is not tax deductible. The farm does not have tax-exempt status, but that does not hinder our ability to do good work in the community.